Two Month in Southern California! 两个月的美国课程体验!

Twenty bright elementary students from Beijing and four teachers spent 58 days in beautiful Los Angeles during their winter vacation. They were here as ambassadors to build connections with two American Schools. During their visit, they enjoyed eight weeks of American school during which they made so many friends. Students also absorbed so much sunshine by living in front of ocean. We have arranged many interesting and fun activities for the group during the weekend. This journey was long enough since they have to spend their New Year and Lunar Chinese Year in the States. However, time flew by so fast and all students and teachers left California with tears in their eyes! Below are some highlights about their visit. More information about their trip is in a documentary on our Youku Channel. Please take a moment and enjoy this wonderful journey! Here is the link.


       在8周的课程体验开始阶段,孩子们面临着不同的问题,包括语言的沟通、学校环境的认识、学校秩序的遵守等等,同学们没有被困难打到,在中美老师的帮助下他们用积极和快乐的心态面对这些困难,当第二周我们再次见到这些孩子的时候,他们脸上都带着轻松和自信的笑容,每个人都积极勇敢的和美国同学老师交流,参与课堂活动并完成作业,我们听到孩子说的最多的反馈就是: “我们很喜欢美国学校的环境!” “课堂当中气氛真热烈!” “这样的学习气氛很轻松,一点不感觉累!” 负责团队的中方老师也能观察到孩子在行为举止上的一些细微变化,孩子们看起来更加的成熟了,自信心也加强了!



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